It’s #MakeItHappenMonday, and today is the perfect opportunity to dive deep into one of the most powerful tools you have: your belief cycle. That’s right! It’s not just your talent or your training that gets you where you want to go, but also your core beliefs that power your journey from striving artist to thriving artist.
The Belief Cycle: A Chain Reaction
You’ve heard it before: “Believe in yourself!” But how exactly does belief propel us forward or hold us back? Let’s break down the cycle:
- Your BELIEFS define Your THOUGHTS: If you believe you can land that lead role, your thoughts will be those of optimism and preparation.
- Your THOUGHTS influence Your BEHAVIOUR: Positive thoughts will drive you to rehearse diligently, seek opportunities, and network like a champ.
- Your BEHAVIOUR determines Your RESULTS: Practising and networking will, more often than not, yield better audition outcomes.
- Your RESULTS Reinforce Your BELIEFS: Once you see success, even in a small form, your initial belief is confirmed, strengthening the cycle.
Your Beliefs: A Double-Edged Sword
The power of belief doesn’t just work in your favour. If you believe you can’t succeed, that belief will trickle down into your thoughts, your behaviour, and inevitably, your results, reinforcing a negative cycle.
> Self-Check Moment
Take a moment today to jot down some of your core beliefs about your career. Are they empowering or limiting? If they’re limiting, challenge them. Why do you hold these beliefs? Are they based on facts or assumptions?
Redefining the Cycle
It might sound like a Herculean task to alter your belief system, but remember, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step. You can start by:
- Identifying Limiting Beliefs: Get specific about the beliefs holding you back.
- Question Your Beliefs: Not all your beliefs are carved in stone. Dare to challenge them.
- Adopt Empowering Beliefs: Seek out beliefs that empower you to strive for excellence, even if they seem a little out-of-the-box.
> Challenge of the Week: Swap a Limiting Belief
Pick one limiting belief you’ve identified. For the next week, consciously replace it with an empowering one. Observe how this change impacts your thoughts and actions.
Take Control of Your Destiny
Remember, you’re not just the star of your show; you’re also the director and the scriptwriter. By consciously controlling your beliefs, you take the reins of your life’s story.
> Today’s Goal-Setting Moment
We’ve all got that dream role, gig, or venue we imagine ourselves in. What’s one small step you can take TODAY, fuelled by your new empowering beliefs, to get closer to that dream? Write it down and, more importantly, act on it!
Make This Your #MakeItHappenMonday
The stage is set, the spotlight is on, and it’s your cue to make a change. Turn those limiting beliefs into your stepping stones and let’s give the performance of a lifetime! You got this!
Until next time, keep shining, keep believing, and keep making it happen!