Protect Yourself from Agent and Manager Scams!

June 11, 2024

It’s #ToolkitTuesday, where we equip you with the tools and knowledge you need to create a successful and sustainable career. This week, we’re diving into an all-too-common scam that can trip up even the savviest of performers: shady agents and managers who charge upfront fees.

Scam Alert: Know the Red Flags

First things first, let’s get one thing straight: legitimate agents and managers should never charge you a startup fee or monthly fee as a term of their representation. This is a huge red flag! If someone is asking for money upfront, they’re likely not looking out for your best interests.

Understanding How Legitimate Agents and Managers Operate

Legitimate agents and managers operate on a commission-only basis. This means they only make money if you make money. Here’s the breakdown:

  • Commission-Only Basis: Agents and managers take a percentage of what you earn from jobs they help you book. This aligns their success with your success, ensuring they work hard to get you gigs.
  • No Upfront Fees: They do not ask for fees upfront. Their income is entirely dependent on your earnings, making them motivated to see you succeed.

Why This Matters

When agents or managers charge upfront fees, they have no incentive to help you book jobs. They’ve already made their money, regardless of whether you succeed. This often leaves performers out of pocket and no closer to their career goals.

Protect Yourself with These Tips:

  1. Do Your Research: Look up reviews and ask for references. Legitimate agents and managers will have a track record of successfully representing other performers.
  2. Ask Questions: Don’t be afraid to ask about their commission structure and how they plan to help you achieve your goals.
  3. Trust Your Gut: If something feels off, it probably is. Trust your instincts and don’t let the excitement of potential opportunities cloud your judgment.
  4. Get Everything in Writing: Ensure that the terms of your representation are clear and documented in a contract.
  5. Seek Advice: Talk to other performers and industry professionals. They can offer valuable insights and potentially warn you about disreputable agents and managers.

Your Career, Your Control

Remember, your career is in your hands. Equipping yourself with the right knowledge and tools will help you navigate the industry safely and successfully. Avoiding scams is crucial, and knowing the signs of a legitimate agent or manager is your first step towards a thriving career.

Stay smart, stay informed, and keep pushing forward. Until next time, keep adding to that toolkit and crafting your path to success!

Sources: Jenna Fischer, “The Actor’s Life: A Survival Guide,” BenBella Books, Texas, USA, 2017.

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If you have any questions or need further advice, don’t hesitate to reach out. We’re here to support you every step of the way.