
[man·i·fes·to]  noun

a public declaration of beliefs, aims, intentions, values and/or principles of an individual or collective group

Today, more than ever, young performers are emerging from their formal training years seemingly more talented, more polished and more prepared than ever before.  Yet, the single biggest struggle performers continue to face today when it comes to pursuing a professional career in the entertainment industry, is simply not knowing what to do next!?

Contrary to an all-too-common belief… there is much more to success in this industry than talent and luck.  Sure, talent is the very foundation of all that you do, and luck can certainly play its part along the way – but to leave years of hard work, dedication and commitment to your craft, merely in the hands of luck, is the surest way to failure.

The key to creating real and sustainable success in this industry lies in knowing where to focus your continued efforts beyond your skillset.   It’s in this vast spectrum of strategies and experiences where the building blocks of success creation are forged.

We exist to inspire and empower
performing artists
to create the success
they dare to dream.

Welcome to The Performer's Manifesto!

This platform was created specifically for you – the performer. The actor. The singer. The dancer. The presenter. The comedian. The musician. The model. The magician. The cirque performer… Whatever your performing arts-pertise is!

Our aim is to keep you firmly in the driver’s seat of your own destiny by broadening the scope of your focus beyond your craft, to encompass the all of the other vast and various aspects of the industry – and yourself – that are within your control and influence.

Each week on this website and through our various social platforms, we are building a library of expert advice, practical resources, actionable strategies and much more, from a cross-section of the industry and beyond, with the sole aim to help you thrive towards a successful and sustainable career.

It’s through the inspiration and wisdom of others that have gone before us, along with the most up to date info from working industry experts and professionals, that we are able to begin reverse engineering our own strategies for success.

While we are a brand new platform, it’s our goal to make this the most comprehensive, constructive and supportive platform possible to assist you, the performing artist, in creating your professional success in the entertainment industry.

Our Mission . . .

To empower, inspire and educate performing artists
to create successful, fulfilling and sustainable careers.

Our Values . . .

Our core values underpin the foundation of who we are.  They are the baseline of everything we do, say and create.

  • We contribute to the growth and betterment of our members, our community and our industry at large.
  • We are disciplined in the pursuit of your goals.
  • We create a safe, inclusive and positive culture for everyone.
  • We bring out-of-the-box thinking with a sense of adventure.
  • We strive for excellence over perfection.
  • We deliver WOW!
  • We act with integrity.
  • We have irreverent fun throughout.
  • We maintain an insatiable hunger for constant and never-ending improvement.
  • We embody gratitude.